News and Announcement

Warm congratulations to several professors in our department for their works being selected for the 14th National Art Exhibition

The National Art Exhibition, abbreviated as the National Art Exhibition, is the most authoritative and largest top-level exhibition in the Chinese art world, as well as a unique national art evaluation system. It is jointly organized by the Federation of Literary and Art Circles of the Ministry of Culture and the Artists Association. The first edition was held in 1949, and the exhibition process has been very strict and standardized since then. Firstly, grassroots organizations such as provinces, municipalities directly under the central government, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, and military units carry out the collection, selection, and submission of works in their respective regions. Then, the final selection of works is carried out by the National Art Exhibition General Jury. The National Art Exhibition represents the mainstream consciousness and aesthetic judgment of society, with the government's discourse power and distinct policy guidance.

The National Art Exhibition is held every five years, representing the highest level of national art creation, and also a comprehensive review and display of the development stages of the national art industry every five years. The works of Professor Zhuang Yibing,Associate Professor Zhong Qinghua, and Associate Professor Dong Xueling from our department have been selected respectively.

Professor Zhuang Yibing's works have been selected for the watercolor and powder painting exhibition area of the National Art Exhibition

The Snowfall

Author Profile:

Zhuang Yibing, Director, Professor, and Master's Supervisor of the Art Department at Beijing University of Chemical Technology

Member of the China Artists Association, member of the Beijing Cultural and Creative Industry Expert Database, and director of the Jiangsu Industrial Design Society. Published 29 papers in art journals, participated in over 20 national and provincial design and painting exhibitions, and held a solo art exhibition in Italy.

Dedicated to the interpretation and expression of traditional Chinese plastic arts language in contemporary contexts, exploring the "art of survival" and adhering to the design concept and pursuit of "artistic survival".

Received support from the National Art Fund; His works have been selected for four consecutive national art exhibitions; My main research directions are product design theory and practice, and plastic arts theory and practice.

Associate Professor Zhong Qinghua's works have been selected for the oil painting exhibition area of the National Art Exhibition

Returning after the Snow

Author Profile:

Zhong Qinghua, Associate Professor and Master's Supervisor at the Department of Art and Design, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, and Postdoctoral Fellow at the Academy of Fine Arts, Tsinghua University

Zhong Qinghua, a member of the Democratic Progressive Party, is currently an associate professor and master's supervisor in the Department of Art and Design at Beijing University of Chemical Technology. He holds a PhD from the Central Academy of Fine Arts, a postdoctoral fellow at the Academy of Fine Arts at Tsinghua University, a member of the Chinese Oil Painting Society, a researcher at the Wu Guanzhong Art Research Center at Tsinghua University, a member of the Higher Education Committee of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Democratic Progressive Party, a specially appointed painter at the National Academy of Ethnic Painting, and a member of the Interdisciplinary Professional Committee of the Chinese.

Received funding from the National Art Foundation project; Multiple works have been collected at the National Art Museum of China, the Prince Gong Palace Museum, the Art Service Center of the Ministry of Culture, the Beijing Municipal Political Consultative Conference, the Zhuzhong Art Museum, and the Metropolitan Art Museum.

Associate Professor Dong Xueling's works have been selected for the National Art Exhibition, Arts and Crafts, and Ceramic Art Exhibition Area

《Searching for Dreams on the Silk Road》

Author Profile:

Dong Xueling, Associate Professor of Art and Design at Beijing University of Chemical Technology, PhD in Design

Hosted one National Art Fund (General Project) Youth Art Creation Talent Project; Participated in 2 national social science fund projects (general projects); Selected for 5 national art exhibitions; He has participated in 13 major national design projects, including the Republic Medal, National Honor Medal and Certificate Design, July 1st Medal Design, Commemorative Medal Design for the 50th Anniversary of Honor in the Party, National Civil Servant Medal Design, National Friendship Medal Design, VI Design of Large Art Creation Project to Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the CPC, VI Design of the Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the SCO Member States (Qingdao), Beijing Olympic Games Design Project, etc; More than ten other international level awards and selections.